Consulting is the fastest way to get help with your problems.
The easiest (and the cheapest) way to hire me and get my knowledge is using my services at These plans are more focused on businesses that use WordPress so I can use all my expertise on that platform to help you, but it is not limited to help you only with your WordPress.
If you do not have a WordPress site but you want to use my expertise on building online platforms, you can hire my services too.
You can hire me for a project (minimun 3 months) or just for a couple of hours anytime.
With the monthly commitment I am more able to help you on the long term. I will learn more about your business and more about you, so I will be able to understand your needs better and then provide the best solutions to your problems.
If you do not want that monthly commit and you just want a fast consultation or a quick answer to a question, you can hire me for an hour.
Hourly Consulting
If you want to schedule an hourly consultation you can reserve your slot here.
Monthly commitment
If you prefer a long term relationship (like I do), please contact me and I follow up.
Angel is an outstanding online business consultant, with great strengths in web technologies, open source platforms and integrations.
He is able to understand business needs and plot a course that maximizes the return of investment in technologies needed to build and manage digital assets.
If you have a digital platform (web, blog, online platform, community, online service) and you need help managing it (and peace of mind), you’d “better call Angel” 🙂Pablo L. Renaud, Ecommerce Jedi